Kamelsafari Rajasthani-Style

Vom Städte besichtigen hatten wir genug und es war an der Zeit Indien einmal abseits von Grossstädten und Menschenmassen kennezulernen. Wir konnten es kaum erwarten ein paar ruhigere Tage rundum Jaisalmer, im Westen von Rajasthan zu verbringen. Jaisalmer ist nur 60km von der Grenze zu Pakistan entfernt und dazwischen liegt die Thar Wüste. Die Luft […]

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The Colorful Cities of Rajasthan

After our hectic and rather overwhelming few days in Delhi, we began to travel west into the Indian state of Rajasthan, home to an arid landscape filled with camels, goats, and extremely hardy cattle. It is also home to the world’s most populated desert, the Thar. As we logged mile after mile through this landscape […]

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Delhi: A City of Contradictions

Delhi is an extraordinary place. It is a massive city, currently home to 25 million people, and has been inhabited since the 6th century B.C. It has served as the capital of many different kingdoms and empires throughout history, most notably the Mughal Empire. It was the Mughals who built many of the beautiful monuments […]

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